At the beginning MacBook (macbook case), released in dark and bright boxes, was released on 16 May 2006, and contained the Intel Core Duo processor and 945GM chipset, with Intel’s GMA 950 graphic with a 667 MHz FSB. Tardive revisions of the MacBook (macbook case) moved to the core2duo mainframe and the GM965 chipset, with Intel’s GMA X3100 graphics on 800 MHz FSB. Sale of the black polycarbonate MacBook (macbook case) discontinued in 10, 2008 after the made to public of the metal MacBook (aluminium macbook case). Its trimmer than the iBook G4 that it replaced, the MacBook is larger than the 12 inch version due to its bigscreen graphic. In advance, the MacBook (macbook case) was the first (the first being the MacBook Pro – macbook case) have Apple’s MagSafe power connector and it substituted the iBook’s mini-VGA display port with a minidvi display port. The iBook’s mini display chip was at the beginning substituted by an built-in Intel GMA solution, though the latest versions of the MacBook (macbook case) were advanced with the stronger Nvidia GeForce 320M. While the MacBook Pro (macbook case) largely followed the industrial design normal set by the PowerBook G4, the MacBook was Apple’s number one netbook to have features now normal in its netbooks: the bright screen, the sunken keyboard look, and the non-mechanical magnetic latch. With the latest 2007 kind, the keyboard received little number of changes to closely mirror the one that shipped with the iMac, by buit-in same keyboard short cut to control multimedia, and deleted the embedded virtual numeric key pad and the logo of Apple from the command keys. More offered in a more expensive black model till the offered to public of the later multi-purpose aluminum MacBook (macbook case), the polycarbonate MacBook was the only Mac laptop made to public in more than one color style since the iBook G3 (Clamshell). Ports are all on the left edge; on first models, front to back, they are: Kensington Security Slot, audio in-out, 2. USB 2.0 ports, FireWire 400, mini-DVI, Gigabit Ethernet, Mag Safe power connection. Front edge have a pill-shaped power light and a round black infra red sensor, for Apple Remote (in macbook case); the right edge features only the disc slot. The polycarbonate Intel MacBook (macbook case) is effortless for clients to fix or upgrade than its predecessor. Where the iBook requires substantial dis-assembly to gain most internal components, including remove of the keyboard and RAM, clients need only disassemble the PVC MacBook’s (macbook case) outer shell to access almost any interior component. Replacing the HDD and memory requires merely the remove of the battery, and Apple provides self instructions for these things. Some number of earlier polycarbonate MacBook (macbook case) models suffered from time to time shut downs, occurring to owners who have owned their MacBooks (macbook case) for some time. They were resolved through changement of the CPU heat sink and firmware updates. There were cases reported about discolored or clipping palmrests. There were very large number instances of the edges of the palm rest and display bezel splitting and little strips peeling off. In that cases, Apple asked selected owners to find AppleCare (for problems with macbook case too). There were issues with power supply on some models from 2007 not being read by the MacBook (macbook case). This was caused by a logicboard problem and not a fault with the power supply. In 02. 2010, Apple told a warranty extense and return for MacBooks (macbook case) purchased between 2006-2007 for hard drive problems. That is caused by heat and other causes.