As a first step towards registration of and happens an application for entry in the register of economic activities. Entrepreneur could take the economic activity following entry in the register. People starting a business to run an individual record in the run via community business register.
Records of business leads municipality right the place of residence of the – that the village, in which which entrepreneur resides with the intention of permanent residence. To register your own falls so go to the municipal office with proof our and by the post-notification form. Registration body, the mayor, the mayor or president of the city – makes an entry in the business register. Application for registration in the register of economic should include escort
of an entrepreneur and also the social security registration number, if they have one,
indication of the place of residence and the address entrepreneur, the when constantly carries on business outside the home – also this site and the address of the main facility, branch or other fixed place of business,
an indication of what its business operations in accordance with the Polish Classification of Activities (PKD)
indicating the date of commencement of business.
Registration body shall serve ex officio entrepreneur certificate of registration in the register of economic activities, not later than within 14 days from the date of notification. Application for registration in the register of economic activities subject to a fee of EUR 100 gold , and the if notification relates to changes in the entry fee is 50 gold . The municipal council can will be able to provide for exemptions from opłaty.ęłęóęłęóęłęóęłęó
The second step toward the legal assumption own of sometimes the submission form for a tour throughout the region. From 1 January 2004, individuals undertaking self-employed have the chance submitting the form for entry into the Company ID in the box office of the municipality at the same time, when submit an application for entry in the register of economic activities. The municipality sparing entrepreneur whereupon and immediately, no later later than within three days from the date of entry, send a request to TAX to the statistical office of the province, in which which the trader is domiciled. Regardless of opportunities to request a TAX in municipal offices – a proposal that can personally submit or the department responsible for the place of residence entrepreneurs or post.
Our Private an application in the statistical office could be a “temporary” eminently viable as often seem certificate identification number ID “on the spot”. However to request a TAX through the office of the municipality extends the fairly this procedure, because edition of the above. certificate based on a proposal submitted by by the local council must be made within 7 days from the date of receipt get the application of local government. Proof of identification number ID may be on the case sent through the statistical office or the branch by post to the address of the entrepreneur. In case the case TAX request made directly in the statistical office – we have to make within 14 days of obtaining a certificate of registration in the register of economic activities.
Application for entry to the TAX is a symbol of the RG-1 as well as is called “Application for entry in the National Register of business entities or to change the characteristics of the entry”
The application shall comprise the following:
address of the
Social Security
name and the names
mailing address
organizational and legal form
the name of the registration authority
date of registration of the registration
name records and through the registration authority
type of the activity (the number of PCA)