
my applause because this film in the same things using the roof! Since the first moment I saw him (perhaps by accident eight years back) I knew that that’s my favorite Hitchcock. However, after rewatching and is deeply admired North by nightfall a few months ago, I began to strike, however, is not nearly NBNW not so accurate as psychological. Well, this is not. This latest rewatch confirmed. In fact, a great while NBNW is (oh believe me -! That is great) PSYCHO is this, that the hundreds of thousands more. Hen of dalanajlepszy hitch! And sort of fullness, Przewóz osób what bothered me about Halloween and I aim away from him when I was drawn to the fully hypnotized in the psychic. Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates is one of the most important works in the history of cinema! His talk of Janet Leigh in the living room is that you are sooooo involvement of literally sat open-mouthed. And should anyone declare void the infamous shower scene? PlusB

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