Posts Tagged ‘skin tightening’

What’s Ultrasonic Cavitation Washing?

Thursday, April 11th, 2013

Ultrasonic cavitation washing is actually the strategy of employing a transducer within an aqueous solution to generate bubbles that literally implode across the part that you want to have cleaned. These small bubble implosions create a sort of scrubbing action that cause the toxins to dislodge from the substrate surface.The volume of cavitation energy produced and it’s efficiency in washing is determined by the frequency provided by the transducer as well as the characteristics of the aqueous solution used. Then it may take too long to wash the part, if the level of cavitation energy released is too low or there may not be enough shock wave energy to actually get the part adequately cleaned. If the amount of cavitation energy is too large, then the energy produced from the bubble implosions may hurt the aspect itself and cause cavitation erosion.This erosion can eventually softer materials such as for example copper and aluminum that are positioned too near to the transducer.The features of the aqueous solution can likewise have a bearing on the cleansing efficiency of an ultrasonic parts machine. For instance, if certain mixed gases exist in the aqueous solution, then that could have a decreasing or contradictory effect on the level of cavitation energy produced while the gases behave as buffers or shock wave absorbers when the pockets implode.Rather than use straight tap water which can have different amounts of gases and pollutants, it is frequently simpler to use distilled water that has been degassed. This enables for a more even distribution of cavitations and also minimizes the dampening effectation of the dissolved gases.In addition to the power of the cavitations, the frequency applied also influences the number of cavitations that are produced per unit of time along with how the cavitations are distributed throughout the solution. Generally speaking, higher frequencies from the transducer will generate smaller cavitations and less energy released while lower frequencies create greater cavitations and better energy released. As the large bubbles are better for solution greater contaminant particles.Cleaning agencies in the solution heat in addition to the solution can also affect cavitations small bubbles are usually better at cleansing off submicron contaminant particles. As the fluid vapor enters the bubbles which lower the energy released, the temperature of the solution increases. Nevertheless, many cleaning solutions are far more good at higher temperatures therefore it becomes an act to find the right temperature that increases cavitation energy and cleaning answer effectiveness.The work basket where you place the part to be cleaned also has a sizable influence on cavitation as the basket mesh could cause the sound wave energy that creates the cavitations to be diminished or inconsistent.Lastly, the position of the transducer and the parts to be cleaned may influence the energy and distribution of the cavitations.Given the all the various factors to consider when choosing the right ultrasonic cleaning process, it is usually best to check with a business specialist on ultrasonic parts units.

See our website for more details about ultrasound liposuction